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Timothy Gorman

Tim Gorman

Fall 2003-Fall 2006

Asst. Sports Editor, Sports Editor, Design Editor

Philosopher Josiah Royce argued that loyalty is not a virtue. ‘If loyalty is a supreme good,’ he wrote, ‘the mutually destructive conflict of loyalties is in general a supreme evil.’ My time at The Daily Orange, though very good indeed, is an example of this.One night in September of 2003, I left my roommate and friend Mark Melara in Shaw Hall and walked to the D.O. to see if I could write for sports. Four years later, I am leaving after five semesters on staff. For three of those, I worked five nights a week while covering a Syracuse team beat. For the last two, I worked three nights a week as a design editor. My current roommate Drew Bland said the other day that the hours I’ve spent at work equals a semester’s worth of time. He’s probably right.To Mark and Drew, thanks for being supportive even when I didn’t hang out with you for weeks. In the spring, I will make my No. 2 loyalty my No. 1 loyalty. Let’s make the most of it.

Chris Snow: Thanks for the real tour of SU. If this journalism thing doesn’t work out, I’m coming to you for a job.

Justin Young: The first time I interviewed at The D.O. it was with a bearded, barefoot Justin in a Pirates cap. I was terrified as he reclined in his seat and took in my bumbling answers. Thanks for hiring me.

Rob Howard: You probably didn’t deserve to graduate because of the time you spent at The D.O. You know more about Royce’s words than I do.

Jared Novack: To the most talented staff member and fair boss I’ve ever known, hire me someday. Please.

Adam Kilgore: Another guy I was terrified of. Thanks for that first story about Meg Ryan and thanks for tearing it apart. You helped me a ton.

Michael Becker: One of the most down-to-earth and personable friends I’ve had. When you’re a big-time hack, we should grab a beer together.

Michael Licker: Despite being a Yankees fan, you made my time at The D.O. loads of fun. Never forget ‘the tornado.’

Scott Lieber: You’re right, you never should’ve been a sportswriter. I hope you continue to pursue writing though because you’re damn good at it.

Dana Moran: It wasn’t until recently I realized how much you care about The D.O. and the people in it. Thank you.

Ethan Ramsey: No mountain is too high. Don’t forget to enjoy yourself on the way up. And don’t ever go to Ollie’s again without me.

Zach Berman: You’ve prepared a lot for this, ZB. Mistakes will happen and the sooner you get over them and learn from them, the better. And don’t lose that sports fan in you. I wish I could have it back.

Matt Gelb and Zach Schonbrun: Challenge ZB as much as you can. It will make the section better.

Rob Anthes: Without you it might’ve taken me a semester or three to come to The D.O. For that I am thankful and forever bitter. But seriously, keep in touch. I want to play you in March Madness 2010.

Heather Collura: You took the reins under difficult conditions. The way you handled yourself then and the way you handle yourself now says more about you than anyone could.

Sahar Vahidi: Thanks for being such a great friend. When I finally reach the West Coast, you will be my tour guide.

Erin Fitzgerald: I’m glad we live near each other so I could get to know you. Go Bruins!

Katie Walsh: Cumulatively speaking, no one has ever made me feel more uncomfortable than you. Still, I’m happy to call you a friend.

Meredith Bowen: Thanks for teaching me so much. I wouldn’t have come back to work as a design editor if it wasn’t for such a caring boss.

AJ Chavar: I know you’ll make the paper the best it’s ever been. Try to take some time out for yourself because it’s a hard job.

Laura Van Wert: I’ll miss seeing your smile every day. Someday we will scat together.

Mike Janela: Sorry I couldn’t keep up my end of Gornela. We should catch a Cape League game someday.

Michael J. Mahon: It’s funny that the most informal person I know insists on using his middle initial in his byline. BITF 4-eva!

Pete Waack: The most interesting D.O. employee. Keep up the good work.

To everyone else: They gave me 800 words for three and half years of experiences. Be assured you’ve all impacted me (Liz Petty) in ways I won’t forget. If I can ever be of help, don’t hesitate to call.

Love,Timothy GormanLet’s Get Going!

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