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Abroad Guide: London

England can feel a lot like America; the language, the Starbucks’ on every corner, the well, um, Americans.

Sure, I’m in another country. But a different culture – I have to find that for myself.

The one aspect lacking since the start of the SU London program is easy access into the London culture.

My classes are with all American students. Many of the free SU-sponsored trips are visits to tourist traps (Stonehenge is most definitely just a bunch of rocks. Cool?) Also, in London, unlike ‘more exotic’ study abroad programs, students room with each other instead of a host family.

The burden is on the student to find London culture. Some students make the mistake of getting pre-arranged housing through SU (go find independent housing in the city) and of getting drunk every night at the American sports bar (even if the whisky you’re drinking comes from Scotland, it still doesn’t count).

But, if you make an effort, it’s easy to notice a whole new culture. For example, saying ‘excuse me’ is rare in England. If you’re in somebody’s way on the tube they’ll say, ‘sorry.’ You say ‘sorry’ back and move out of their way. As you move, hopefully another Brit will bump into you setting off a new chain reaction of apologies. And, it’s all done with awesome English accents.

Here’s some less shallow cultural advice:

– Engage in political discussions with Brits (oh man, do they hate Bush.).

– Enroll in classes that offer a look into British life. One class I’m taking offers field trips to London theater productions of ‘Les Miserables’ and ‘Avenue Q.’ Another class called ‘America: A Foreign Perspective’ is taught by a Brit who knows more about the United States than I do. (But I bet he can’t recite all the lyrics to Will Smith’s ‘Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It.’ Take that, Professor Boys).

– Find off-beat attractions: listen to crazy people exercise free speech at Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park.

– Get wasted at a soccer/football game with football/soccer hooligans. (Go Chelsea! Man. U. is a bunch of wankers).

Just don’t make London a semester-long party. Well, I guess that’s OK. Just make sure it’s with the British people. Reach out, or else as the British say, you’ll be, well, sorry.

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