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Duck: Daniel Strauss

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor

The only institution that parallels my love for the Whitman School of Management is The Daily Orange. Fortunately, there’s enough room in my heart for both.

Every day at this newspaper has been filled with laughs, challenges and adventures. The D.O. defined the second half of my college experience.  It led me to discover my passions for writing and news, and for that I’ll be forever grateful. I’m proud to say I worked at this paper.

I’ve always believed the people make the place. So here’s a few people that I owe a lot to:

Alexa and Kathryn: You both were so patient with me when I was first learning how to write stories. Thanks for starting my DO journey by bringing me is a columnist.

Lydia: Sorry about that Pulp A1, what could have been.

Andy, Emma, Lucy: Some of my fondest memories from the DO are with you three in digital. From Andy cracking our backs to HQ Trivia to the YouTube mashups. Thanks for everything.

Bridget: Thanks for making my scribbles presentable.

Casey, Colleen, Leffert: You’re all incredible reporters with bright futures. Keep doing what you do best.

Graham, Josh, McCleary: Always a great time chatting with you guys in sports. Thanks for letting me in on D.O. ball.

Talia: I always thought you were at least two years older. That just shows how far ahead you are. Keep doing great work.

Kennedy: Thanks for always taking time to help me out. I’m a better writer and reporter because of you.

Eric: Thanks for always being one of the nicest people in the house.

Jordan: I swear we could chat for hours about bitcoin. Your commitment to news and work ethic are well beyond your years. It’s been a pleasure working with you and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish.

KJ: We only became close this semester, but I know we’re going to be friends for life. I have so much respect for you and I know you’re going to do big things.

Ali: Thanks for listening to my rants about DSP, acquisition proposals and tea-ordering dilemmas. Your positive attitude is infectious and I’ll miss judging my day on our obscure scales.

Sam OG: You taught me how to be a reporter and took a chance on me. Thanks for all the great talks and always being willing to hear my ideas.

Fortier: Despite never directly working together, you still somehow managed to make my time at the D.O. better. You never let your incredible talent go to your head and you always made time for little guys like me to ask you questions. Never change.

Guti: I’ll never be able to fully explain how important of a part you played in inspiring me to pursue journalism. Thanks for giving me someone to look up to.

Mom, Dad, Frank: The three of you are the reason I’ve been able to accomplish anything in college. Thanks for all the long drives, move-ins and everything in between.

Jacey, Delaney, Rebecca: You’ve all been in my corner throughout my entire journey at the D.O. I can’t thank you enough for the support, encouragement and advice.

708 Sumner: This goodbye wouldn’t be complete without a shoutout to my boys.  Your support keeps me going and I don’t know what I would do without you all. Oh man.

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