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Week in Pulp

Week in Pulp: Syracuse local writes Donald Trump poetry, students perform in drag show

Illustration by Colleen Simms | Design editor

Hart Seely's book reached Amazon’s top limerick and political satire book lists and was featured in a Buzzfeed article.

Miss the paper this week? Catch up on the best Pulp stories that ran, from a Kanye West-inspired outfit guide to a Syracuse music venue flow chart quiz.

Syracuse-based author and journalist compiles Donald Trump quotes into poetry

Syracuse resident Hart Seely wakes up at 6 a.m. every day to search for the best Trump quotes to write poetry with. He spent six weeks scrutinizing Trump’s transcripts as the start of his creative process. Next, he wrote poems from the selected quotes and put them together into a book titled, “Bard of the Deal: The Poetry of Donald Trump.”

“They’re not so much what you would call newsworthy quotes, as they are offhand little asides in his speeches where he talks about everyday problems,” Seely said of the quotes he works with. “In some instances, I think they give insights into the kind of person Trump is.”

Embrace your inner Kanye with these Yeezy-inspired looks

Doris Huang | Staff photographer

Celebrate the release of “The Life of Pablo” and Kanye’s Twitter tantrums by channeling your inner diva and dressing in bold, minimalist styles. These four outfits, military style, playful patterns and uniform looks, will command attention as you walk through the quad.

Quiz: Which Syracuse music venue are you?


Daily Orange file photo

Is your style sicker than the beat Beyoncé sneezed on? Do you prefer Weezer or Saint Motel? What is your ideal date? The answers to these questions will shed light on an inner truth that you are dying to know — which Syracuse music venue are you? From the grungy F Shed to the show tune-filled Landmark Theatre, there are no shortage of music venue options in Syracuse.

Students and professionals rocked the stage at Pride Union’s Totally Fabulous Drag Show

Margaret Lin | Staff Photographer

After the drag show’s winner Courtney McGuire’s performance, a judge said, “That felt like a Broadway production.” The audience went wild throughout the show, cheering and throwing money at the performers during the acts.

“They put in some motherf*cking work,” Milk, a former drag contestant, said of the student performers. “I didn’t realize there was going to be so many backup dancers, I didn’t realize the mega mixes, all the choreography, all the costume changes. It was really rad, I loved it.”

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