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Popcorn store opens near campus

The Kandied Kernel, a privately-owned gourmet popcorn shop, opened its second location in Marshall Square Mall on Monday. The first store, which opened in March, is located in Armory Square.

“Occasionally I see SU students down there that say, ‘I wish you had one up on the Hill,’ so we found this little space in the mall and we’re giving it a go,” said co-owner Melissa Kelly.

The location has seen good traffic so far, selling out of its Koffee-flavored popcorn during the first two days it was open. This was surprising, as it is not usually a top seller at the Armory Square location, Kelly said.

The Marshall Square Mall location offers two different sizes in the form of containers similar to coffee bags, which keep the popcorn fresh for up to two weeks. The store will also begin taking preorders for three-gallon SU tins that can hold up to three different flavors, Kelly said.

The store, which features between 12 and 15 different flavors, offers free samples. Flavors include Karamel, Jalapeno Cheese, ’Kuse Mix, Koffee and Movie Theatre, among others. The store also offers Drizzles — popcorn drizzled in chocolate — and is currently looking into creating beer and wine flavors, Kelly said.

Rebecca Parkhurst, an employee at Crouse Hospital, bought ’Kuse Mix on her first visit to the store, which she said has a combination of both sweet and salty flavors.

“I like the atmosphere,” she said. “It’s cute, quaint and reasonably priced, and I love popcorn, so that kind of makes my day.”

Local newspapers serve as the store’s wallpaper, a feature also present in the Armory Square store. The unique wallpaper came about because Kelly had a hard time finding a wallpaper, and also to illustrate the company’s dedication to recycling.

Kelly and her fiance, David Taylor, were inspired to open their first Kandied Kernel after space became available in a building they owned in Armory Square and they were unable to find a suitable tenant.

A caramel corn shop that had been in the area for 20 years had recently gone out of business, Kelly said, so the two decided to open a shop of their own because they saw a “niche that needed to be filled.”

After researching, attending seminars, purchasing the proper equipment and learning to use it, The Kandied Kernel was born, Kelly said.

“We’re kind of nutty like that,” she said. “We just jump into things, both feet, and just see what happens.”

A popcorn shop comes as a pleasant change after working in the restaurant industry, which Kelly said was a “nightmare,” as this experience is fun.

“This is just a nice business,” she said. “Everybody’s happy when they come in.”

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